Friday, March 28, 2008

I'm Sceeeeered!!!

Well we've certainly had a very dull and uneventful week around the Picota household. I had a doctor's appointment Monday and I think that's the most exciting (yawn) thing that's happened all week. Nothing new... baby's heartbeat's normal... i weigh about 150 lbs which is about 20(ish) pounds i've gained so far. I'm not real worried about my weight though... I'll worry about that after Aubrey is here.

Rene is going out of town today and won't be back until Sunday afternoon. He's going on a camping trip with the Royal Rangers with our church. I HATE being home alone, so it's gonna be a looooong weekend. I always imagine stuff and make myself terrified. When I was a little girl I couldn't sleep w/out covers b/c I always imagined a scary dead hand touching my leg or something. Another thing that freaks me out is uncovered windows at night. I always imagine a bloody scary face popping up to glare at me. When I was little and i used to get scared I would cover my head with the covers and sing Amazing Grace. hahaha. How funny. Well it didn't work then but I may have to give it another shot this weekend. I really wish I didn't have to spend the whole weekend alone... but oh well. I will survive :)